

The R2,eff values are calculated for the two point sampling scheme that is commonly used for the CT- CPMG experiments described in Frans A. A. Mulder, Nikolai R. Skrynnikov, Bin Hon, Frederick W. Dahlquist, and Lewis E. Kay, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2001, 123, 967–975. The R2,eff errors are derived using error propagation analysis based on the spectral noise.

Input file format

Define your experimental intensity data in this section. More then one file can be uploaded, each file representing data measured at different magnetic field.

The input-file should have the following format:
1st lineValue of the B0 field for the nuclei of interest in MHz (e.g. 60.12).
2nd lineValue of the constant relaxation time for the CPMG experiment in seconds (e.g. 0.04).
3rd lineCPMG frequencies in (s-1).
4th lineNoise level for spectra measured at different vCMPG and reference spectra. Reference spectra noise level must be listed as a first entry
5th lineComment line. In the example file, we described the data format (e.g. #residue I_ref I_vCPMG ...)
> 5th lineThe first column specifies the residue one letter code and number, followed by the intensity in the reference spectra and the intensities at the CPMG frequencies specified in the 3rd line. The missing values should be specified as NA (not available).


vCPMG      ref   50.000  100.000  200.000  300.000  400.000  500.000  600.000  700.000   800.000   900.000  1000.000
noise 3404.280 3404.280 3404.280 3404.280 3404.280 3404.280 3404.280 3404.280 3404.280  3404.280  3404.280  3404.280
#residue  I_ref I_vCPMG ...
A1    1702140.0   401586.7  380964.4  399136.8  432244.0  470716.2  524817.6  577182.4  615260.1  635014.4  660592.5  683629.5
B2    2094770.0   554908.3  579980.0  648026.7  722500.4  812130.3  825192.9  870851.8  865054.4  882115.3  901780.6  900937.1
C3    2301070.0   645496.1  658526.7  713688.8  816601.9  890347.2  917056.8  956372.7  958961.1     NA        NA        NA
D4    1511670.0   434443.6  444887.2  488337.6  548940.6  581184.3  599482.4  631493.9  644166.4  652242.5  661777.9  642723.1
E5    1956020.0   582484.4  641036.4  676107.0  759173.3  805109.5  832684.3  832439.5  844349.7  838884.4  863118.8  869382.9
link to BioNMR
link to peakr
link to motorprotein
link to MPG
MPI for biophysical chemistry